At Essential Learning & Tutoring, we use an evidence based, multi-sensory, teaching approach to develop a tailored program for your child’s unique learning style.
The Spalding© method is just one of the methods used at Essential Learning and Tutoring. It is a highly effective method of instruction, for dyslexics and learners who may or may not have a diagnosed learning difficulty, that has stood the test of time. It is a highly structured, sequential, multisensory program that was specifically designed for dyslexics. It is the foundation from which a fully customised, one-on-one tutoring plan will be designed and delivered, allowing the tutor to pace and adjust the program depending on the learners needs.
Your child’s program will be designed with their unique learning style in mind. We will break the information down into to small achievable segments allowing for optimal leaning to take place. We will give you and your child the support and confidence require to help them get back on track.
Early intervention is essential for the success of your child. To secure your child’s place in the 2021 semester contact us now.


Dyslexia is a neurological based learning difficulty. Children and Adults with dyslexia have a different brain connectivity than the average person but with the right supports, dyslexic children can become successful at school and later in life.
Young dyslexic learners, when first endeavouring to grasp the complex reading code, may have trouble learning the pure sound of a phoneme (the smallest unit of sound a letter makes). Further difficulties may arise when ordering these sounds into words and sentences.
Although some may struggle to read fluently or spell with ease, dyslexia does not have a connection to intelligence and people with dyslexia may even exhibit strong creative and reasoning skills.
If your child has been given a diagnosis of dyslexia our Multi-sensory, Literacy interventions will help.


Many children succeed in spelling when they are able to give meaning and understanding to the way a word is spelt. This is why we teach your child phonograms in conjunction with the rules. As they master each new rule, they are given the opportunity to apply their new knowledge in a practical and meaningful way. This new knowledge is then tied into reading and writing.
Our literacy program offers focussed intervention using a variety of methods including The Spalding approach, an explicit, multi-sensory, synthetic phonics program that has been designed specifically to help and support your child while improving in their reading, spelling, and comprehension skills.
Our one-on-one programs are designed with your child’s unique learning style in mind. This allows the tutor the flexibility to adapt to the child’s level of understanding and reinforce when required. The session generally run for 55 minutes once a week and the child will be required to do 15 min of practice each day.


Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing. It can lead to problems with poor spelling, handwriting, and may create fatigue when writing and putting thoughts on paper. We quite often see dysgraphia with other learning difficulties such as dyslexia or ADHD. Once you have a professional diagnosis, we can begin an explicit handwriting program that has been designed for your child’s specific needs.


Hand writing aids in muscle memory and is a basic tool that is linked to the achievement in reading and spelling. Correct grip and hand position on the page must be addressed when the child begins to write. This will prevent poor habits forming which may lead to muscular fatigue.
There are many instructional activities that we use with the child with dysgraphia these may vary depending each child’s own individual difficulties and needs. Initially we will begin instruction with correct pencil grip and hand position on paper. This will lead into correct formation of letters, muscle strengthening and fine motor coordination activities.
Handwriting skills are included in spelling and literacy activities. If you are concerned about your child’s poor hand writing skills, seek out a professional assessment to determine the cause. This will ensure that the correct method of intervention is applied.


Not all learners who struggle with maths have dyscalculia but those that have a diagnosis often find it difficult to learn key concepts in maths. They often have difficulties in some or all areas of numeracy and may present with visual-spatial difficulties as well as language processing difficulties.


We Provide instruction to suit the learners unique style of learning while identifying possible missing blocks that are required for a sound foundation. Over the years we have developed several unique methods to learn multiplication tables, telling the time and developing strong recall of applications used in number-based operations.
Our numeracy programs are designed around the use of concrete learning activities using a multi-sensory approach.


ADHD is a developmental impairment of executive functions that can cause hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. It can exist in conjunction with other learning difficulties such as dyslexia. Commonly, children find it difficult to concentrate on tasks, pay attention and to control their actions. A child with ADHD may show behavioural or cognitive impairments which may impact upon their learning abilities.
AT Essential Learning and Tutoring we are mindful of the learning needs and environment of a child with ADHD. As well as providing academic tuition we will also help your child with time management strategies, topic transition, organisation of homework, assignments and extra curricula activities.
We aim to limit distractions and keep them engaged in the tutoring session offering frequent and immediate feedback.
Our program will be designed around your child’s needs.

Auditory Processing Disorder

APD is a disorder that affects the way the brain processes auditory information. This may arise from a disruption in the central nervous system. Individuals with APD may have normal hearing functions however some cannot process the information they hear in the same way as others do. This can impact on their interpretation of instruction and sound, leading to misunderstanding information or the ability to follow conversations and develop speech in a typical way.
If your child has been diagnosed with APD, we can help them navigate the acquisition of skills and help them to develop strategies that can be used daily at school and home.
Some children with APD also present with ADHD and it is often hard to distinguish between the two, therefore a professional assessment is required for the correct intervention to take place.

Executive Function Disorder

Learners with executive function disorder often struggle with cognitive, emotional and behavioural issues that can impact on organization and time management. A deficit in this area may impact on impulse control, planning, self-motivation and problem-solving skills and ultimately affect their ability to achieve goals.
A child with executive function difficulties can benefit from developing learning strategies to help them through a day. For example, at Essential Learning and Tutoring we teach your child how to take a step- by- step approach to tasks. We help them develop a method to organise information, manage time efficiently, how review their work and to self-regulated impulsiveness so that it does not impact on their daily school routine.